“Supporting the fighters, admiring the survivors, honoring the taken and never, ever giving up hope.”
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. The campaign was started by the American Cancer Society in 1985 and was originally a week-long campaign. In 1992, the pink ribbon was introduced to go along with breast cancer awareness.
There are many risk factors for breast cancer. Being a woman and the aging process are the main factors, which is why early detection practices are so important. Practicing monthly breast self-examinations and getting yearly mammograms are two ways to be proactive. Consult with your doctor about your risk factors and to make a plan to stay proactive and healthy.
Education is key to fighting this disease and many others. This October, take the time to read more about breast cancer, support a friend or family member going through this journey, consult with your doctor and be mindful of your own breast health.
If you are interested in learning more about our medical plans, please contact Lesley Weaver or Tina Woehr or call 573-636-8151.
About MBA VEBA Health Minute
Published by MBA VEBA, this monthly e-newsletter highlights various topics affecting an individual’s overall health. VEBA staff encourages sharing this information with your employees. Individuals should contact their health care provider for any questions concerning their health.