VEBA Health Minute

“Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live.”
Jim Rohn

Do you tell yourself, “Tomorrow is the day I start making healthier choices,” but then tomorrow turns into next week, then next month and so on? If so, you are not alone. Many overwhelm themselves with all the things they can do to start getting healthier. The key is to remember that you don’t have to do everything all at once.  

This list of wellness tips is a good start to get you on your path to feeling healthier and happier.

  1. Drink a glass of water first thing each morning. Hydrating first thing in the morning helps to aid digestion, boost energy and enhance skin health. Once you’ve had that glass of H2O, then you can go ahead and pour yourself that cup of joe!
  2. Stand up every 30 minutes while working. Most sit at their desks for most of their workday. Every half hour, stand up and move for a minute or two, just to reduce any harmful effects of prolonged sitting.
  3. Fill your home/office with houseplants. Not only are houseplants pretty and vibrant, they also can help cleanse indoor air. There are many types of houseplants to accommodate all levels of green thumbs!
  4. Get enough sleep. Most adults need seven to nine hours of quality sleep each night. Find what works best for you to have the best sleep. Things that could help include weighted blankets, aroma therapy or cool temperatures in your bedroom.
  5. Get your alone time in. Everyone is so busy all the time and may forget to “just be.” Find something that gives you that alone time, such as walking or journaling, so you can clear your mind and stay in touch with your feelings. 
  6. Do things you enjoy. Take the time to do things that make you happy — exercising, crafting or reading can be very therapeutic.
  7. Make sure your plate has veggies on it. Vegetables are packed with many essential vitamins and minerals that are important for your health.
  8. Take a stroll around the block. If it’s a hectic day and you don’t have time for your regular walk, make sure you get out for at least five minutes to get some steps in. A little bit is better than doing nothing at all!
  9. Smile often. Smiling makes you feel good! Just imagine how a smile can make someone’s day.
  10. Finally, work hard and be kind — to others and to yourself! 

To learn more about MBA VEBA’s  medical plans, please contact Lesley Weaver or Tina Woehr or call 573-636-8151.

About MBA VEBA Health Minute
Published by MBA VEBA, this monthly e-newsletter highlights various topics affecting an individual’s overall health. VEBA staff encourages sharing this information with your employees. Individuals should contact their health care provider for any questions concerning their health.