2025 MBA Consumer Lending School



  • Today’s Retail Lending Landscape
  • Overview of Loan Purposes and Key Types of Lending in Community Banks
  • Types and Features of Consumer and Retail Loan Products
  • Borrowing Entities Defined and Key Parties to a Loan
  • 5 C’s of Lending and Principles of Underwriting Consumer Loans
  • Evaluating the Source(s) of Repayment 
  • Determining Information Needed to Evaluate a Loan Request
  • Analyzing the Loan Application, PFS, and Credit Report
  • Evaluating and Perfecting Collateral
  • Key Principles of Proper Loan Structuring


  • Why ALL Retail Lenders/Consumer Lenders Should Be Knowledgeable of Personal and Business Tax returns and Cash Flow Analysis 
  • Calculating Debt to Income, Debt Service Coverage, and Global Debt Service Coverage
  • Consistent Application of Policy and Underwriting Procedures and the Relevance to Fair Lending
  • Financial Accounting 101: Interpreting Business Financial Statements
  • Analyzing Personal Tax Returns and Key Schedules
  • Analyzing Business Tax Returns and Key Schedules
  • What is a K-1 and When to Request It
  • Summarizing the Loan, Identifying and Mitigating Risks, and Documenting Your Loan Request
  • Application of Concepts: Case Study in Underwriting a Consumer Loan 


  • Fair Lending and Fair Credit Regulations: An examination of laws designed to promote equitable lending practices and prevent discrimination.
  • Bank Secrecy Act (BSA) and Lending: A review of the BSA’s implications for lending institutions and their responsibilities in combating money laundering.
  • Truth in Lending Act (TILA) and Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (RESPA): An overview of these acts, which ensure transparency in lending practices and settlement costs.
  • Dodd-Frank Legislation: TRID and Mortgage Compliance: A discussion of the Dodd-Frank Act’s impact on lending practices, including the TILA-RESPA Integrated Disclosure (TRID) requirements.
  • Flood Compliance: An analysis of regulations pertaining to flood insurance and compliance requirements for lenders.
  • Appraisals: A review of the regulations and standards governing property appraisals, including requirements for ensuring accuracy and compliance.
  • Lending Compliance in 2024 and Beyond: Insights into anticipated changes and trends in lending compliance for the future.
  • Consumer Loan Policy, Procedures, and Pricing: A comprehensive overview of the policies and procedures governing consumer loans, including pricing strategies and compliance measures. 


  • Effectively Monitoring Your Loan Portfolio
  • Managing Problem Loans and Minimizing Loan Losses
  • The Changing Service Landscape: Why Today’s Customers Demand Proactive Bankers
  • Building and Balancing Key Stakeholder Relationships to Improve Communication, Loan Approvals, and Bank Returns
  • Defining and Committing to Standout Service to Build Client Loyalty
  • Banking Beyond Lending: Cross-selling Other Products and Services
  • Business Development, Networking, and Community Development Success Strategies 


Christie Drexler is the founder and president of Drexler Consulting LLC, a financial services consulting and training business focused on developing purpose-driven, competent, servant leaders in all roles of banking. In partnership with Performance Solutions Inc., Drexler Consulting has offered training and consulting services for financial institutions and banking associations since 2021.

Prior to founding Drexler Consulting, Christie worked directly for both community and large regional banks for 26 years. Her experience has been expansive to include successfully navigating retail and commercial banking careers. Like many bankers, Christie began her career on the front-line serving as a teller and discovered her passion for banking. She has also served as a division president, market president, chief credit officer, commercial banker, chief retail officer and regional sales and service manager. Christie has a bachelor's in finance from Berry College and a master's from Georgia College and State University. She is a passionate facilitator and coach who strives to live the values and leadership strategies she teaches in her training programs.

Kristin Harville is a senior consultant with PSI. As a former compliance director and bank examiner, she is a highly respected Certified Regulatory Compliance Manager (CRCM) and Certified AML and Fraud Professional (CAFP), with a juris master’s degree in law (major in financial regulation). Kristen has more than 20 years of regulatory experience in BSA/AML/CFT, deposit and lending regulatory compliance, internal audit, compliance risk assessment, compliance training and development and enterprise risk management. Her goal is to consistently provide practical “real-world solutions” for today’s compliance community. Kristin is a dedicated, results-oriented facilitator and consultant.

Daily Schedule

8-8:30 a.m. Registration 
8:30 a.m. to Noon  Session 
Noon to 1 p.m.  Lunch (provided) 
1-4:45 p.m.  Session 

Continuing Education

CPE SponsorsThe Missouri Bankers Association is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State Boards of Accountancy have the final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website nasbaregistry.org.

Specialized Knowledge

8.5 per day or 34 credits available by attending entire school

Program Objectives

This four-day course meets the needs of lenders who serve consumers, small real estate investors and/or small business clients in a branch environment. It will prepare lenders for success in today’s universal banking environment, where they must have the skills and flexibility to serve a wide variety of loan requests. The instructors’ facilitation approach encourages participant engagement and, thus, enhances their learning experience. Participants learn to apply underwriting, compliance and documentation principles through real-life case studies, examples and practice problems. In addition, lenders will learn sales and service strategies that will prepare them to build and deepen customer relationships, grow safe and sound loan portfolios and positively contribute to bank profitability.

American Bankers AssociationAmerican Bankers Association (ABA) Professional Certifications has approved Consumer Lending School for 25.25 CRCM, 2 CAFP credit.
APPROVED NON-ABA CE search for training will appear as Missouri Bankers Association | Consumer Lending School - 2025