Second Year Curriculum

The 2025 on-campus session of the school will be held from Monday, Feb. 3, through Friday, Feb. 7. The first and second year classes are held concurrently. The first official school function is a welcome and orientation that will begin Monday followed by school curriculum. A welcome reception and dinner will be held Monday evening. The school will conclude at noon Friday, Feb. 7.

Asset/Liability Management

Students discuss the asset/liability management strategies of their own bank and apply those strategies to their Bank Exec team bank. Concepts of gap, managed liabilities, duration matching and managing interest rate risk are explored.

Bank Exec

A sophisticated, computerized bank management simulation highlights the second year curriculum. Students have the opportunity to manage a bank as part of a management team through the Bank Exec simulation model. All concepts of the curriculum come into play as students make decisions relative to the bank’s profitability and success. The Bank Exec experience ends with a stockholders’ meeting to review each bank’s progress.

Bank Financial Analysis

The five key categories that bank examiners rate in assessing a bank’s performance are covered. Composition and analysis, profitability analysis, capital adequacy and factors affecting the price of bank stock are major topics.

Human Resource Management

Students will work in a lecture and case study setting to examine various personnel issues. Topics will include problem employees and various supervision and management skills.


Students apply the theory of investments in this module. The key concepts covered include yield to maturity, pledging requirements, allocation strategy of investments and tax effect of capital losses on securities.

Lending Risk Management

This session will focus on the elements of strategic loan portfolio management. Discussions will include bank stockholder goals for profitability and the importance of effective loan pricing. The value of an internal loan review program and the usage of an effective loan quality rating system will be emphasized. Other critical aspects of loan portfolio management will be presented, along with a variety of helpful lending resources.


The focus is on economic policy and forecasting the course and pace of the U.S. economy. Business cycle peaks, recessions, expansions, troughs and recoveries are examined.

Marketing & Managing Customer Relationships

Second year students will build upon community bank marketing basics. Specific components of a “sales culture” and effective customer relationships will be emphasized. The concepts of “value propositions” and service level promises will be introduced. The importance of negotiations and pricing will be highlighted.