Lending continues to be one of the most crucial functions in banking today. Managing your bank’s loan portfolio is becoming ever more challenging. Increased competition from new players, ever-changing regulations and rising risks are only a few of the factors a lending officer must face. The Missouri School of Lending has helped develop hundreds of banking lenders through a weeklong comprehensive program of lending education. The Advanced Lending School is especially designed to build on that education and to meet the needs of lenders today whose responsibilities and scope of activities are expanding. The school’s purpose is to meet the growing need for lenders to have the latest knowledge and preparation for complex lending situations.
Successful lenders today must acquire a broad knowledge and understanding of the many different lending scenarios and develop the skills required to manage them. The Advanced Lending School has been designed to reflect contemporary trends affecting the financial services industry. The Advanced Lending School faculty include experienced bankers and financial services professionals who are committed to sharing their knowledge and skills with program participants.
Make the transition from lender to leader by attending the Advanced Lending School!
The Advanced Lending School has been created to meet specific learning objectives. This advanced school will meet those objectives using a case study approach. After attending this school, students will:
- better understand and appreciate today’s risk management and safety and soundness concerns
- improve small business lending and relationship management skills
- sharpen and expand analytical and decision-making proficiency
Benefits of Attending
- Our faculty is top-notch in their field and you will have plenty of opportunity to share your questions and concerns during the school.
- You will get to share concerns and learn from other lenders in similar situations during case group work and throughout the school.
- You will receive a graduation certificate to document your ongoing commitment to your banking education.
- You will return to your bank a better asset and have new and valuable insights and solutions to more complex lending situations.
Admission Requirements
For admission, an applicant must:
- be a graduate of the Missouri School of Lending; or
- must have more than five years of lending experience, certified by the applicant’s CEO or senior loan officer
To ensure the most effective learning environment possible, enrollment is limited to the first 24 students registered; first come-first served. Early registrations are highly encouraged! Your registration form must be signed by your CEO or senior loan officer.
Graduation Requirements
Completion of the Missouri Advanced School of Lending requires:
- attendance at all structured lectures
- attendance and participation in case group work
- attendance and participation in case group presentations
- completion of all additional assignments that may be required by the faculty.
For More Information
Contact Cheri Messerli at MBA at 573-636-8151.