TRID Essentials

April 3 | Columbia

Program Details



Though TRID has been a part of the compliance landscape for nearly a decade, its complexity makes it one of the most commonly cited violations year after year. To achieve compliance with TRID’s string of guidelines and numerous amendments throughout the years, you need more than a cursory overview.

The Truth in Lending/Real Estate Settlement Procedures Integrated Disclosures (TRID) requirements are a string of guidelines dictating what information lenders need to share with borrowers and when they must provide it. TRID rules also regulate what fees lenders can charge and how these fees can change as the mortgage matures.


  • General Rules
  • Predisclosure Activity
  • Loan Estimate - Line-by-Line
  • Shopping Disclosure
  • Tolerance
  • Revised Disclosures
  • LE
  • CD
  • Waiver of Waiting Period
  • Projected Payments
  • Costs at Closing
  • Calculating Cash to Close
  • Confirm Receipt
  • Closing Disclosure – Line-by-Line
  • Calculating Cash to Close
  • Summaries of Transactions
  • TRID for Construction Loans


This seminar examines the intricacies of the TRID rules and highlights various tripwires to avoid at your institution. You’ll come away with a comprehensive understanding of TRID, the Loan Estimate (LE), and the Closing Disclosure (CD) and receive a detailed manual that can serve as a handbook long after you’ve completed the series.


Kimberly Boatwright has more than two decades of experience working in the financial services industry. Boatwright is a well-regarded financial industry risk and compliance professional with a strong background in program development and implementation. She is a thought leader who specializes in fair lending, anti-money laundering, OFAC and consumer compliance. She has worked for and consulted with all types of financial institutions during her career, helping to establish and evolve compliance and risk programs. She is a frequent public speaker, trainer and author on compliance and risk management topics. Boatwright is a Certified Regulatory Compliance Manager, Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialist and a Fair Lending Expert.

Continuing Education

This seminar has been submitted for American Bankers Association (ABA) Professional Certifications and continuing professional education on the National Registry (CPE).

Dietary Restrictions and Disabilities

If you have any dietary restrictions or any disabilities that require special assistance, contact MBA at 573-636-8151 and explain how we may best accommodate your needs.

For More Information

Contact the MBA Education Department at 573-636-8151 or email

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Registration or participation by an individual in attending Missouri Bankers Association events and activities constitutes an agreement by the attendee to the MBA’s use and distribution, both current and future, of the attendee’s name, image or voice in print, media, social media, photographs, videotapes, electronic reproductions, and audiotapes of, or reporting, such events, and activities and promoting MBA activities, services and programs. Attendees waive any right to inspect or approve the finished materials and MBA communications and publications and agree that all such images, pictures, video or audio recordings, and any reproduction thereof, shall remain the property of the MBA to use at its discretion. Consent is binding, perpetual and may not be revoked.

Who Should Attend

The program is designed for loan officers, compliance officers, loan support staff, marketing staff, auditors and any others with responsibilities related to the TRID rules. 

Three Ways to Register

register icon    Online             
phone icon    Phone 573-636-8151 
mail icon    Mail check payable to Missouri Bankers Association and form to:
Missouri Bankers Association
P.O. Box 57
Jefferson City, MO 65102

Registration Fees

  • MBA Member Fees
    • First Registrant -- $295
    • Additional Registrants -- $250 per person
  • Nonmember Fee -- $1,080 per person

The program fees include training materials, breakfast, lunch, reception and refreshments. The cost of meals included in this registration fee for this seminar is $32. This information is provided for your bank’s tax records, in keeping with the IRS 50% deductible provisions under Section 274(n) of the Internal Revenue Code.


Full refunds will be granted for cancellations received by MBA at least 10 days before the seminar date. After that date, an administrative fee of $10 per canceled registration will be retained. Cancellations will not be accepted five days before the seminar. Substitutions are always permitted. 


8:30 a.m. Registration
9 a.m. Seminar Begins
Noon Lunch (provided)
1 p.m. Seminar Resumes 
4 p.m. Adjournment