IRA Basics Seminar

Tuesday, April 15 - Cape Girardeau | Register Online
Wednesday, April 16 - Springfield  | Register Online
Thursday, April 17 - Columbia | Register Online

Program Brochure


Seminar Overview

This course is designed as a “very basic” IRA course as it is designed to build a great solid IRA foundation. The seminar will start with the differences between a traditional and a Roth IRA and then discuss how to set up a new IRA and the eligibility rules to contribute to an IRA. The biggest topic for new people to discuss is the moving of money from one financial institution to another. This involves IRA transfers and rollovers, plus the direct rollovers from a qualified plan. Discussion will go through the 13 exceptions to taking money out of an IRA before age 59.5 to avoid the penalty tax and how RMD is calculated in a traditional IRA. There will be an introduction into death distributions. Finally, faculty will cover how to take money out of a Roth IRA.

Course Highlights

Introduction to IRAs

  • explain the benefits of an IRA
  • identify the tax differences of a traditional and Roth IRA

Establishing an IRA

  • examine the process for establishing an IRA and the required documents
  • differentiate between the types of beneficiaries


  • learn about the traditional and Roth IRA eligibility requirements
  • identify the contribution limit and deadline

IRA Distributions

  • distinguish the possible taxes on IRA distributions
  • identify federal and state tax withholding requirements
  • examine IRS penalties and their exceptions


  • identify the differences between a rollover and a transfer
  • recognize rollovers between IRAs and employer-sponsored retirement plans
Required Minimum Distribution
  • traditional
  • Roth

Death Distributions

Roth Distribution

  • qualified
  • nonqualified

About the Instructor

Matthew Dickinson has more than 20 years in banking and retirement and has held many titles within his career. Matt has worked for companies such as Ascensus, Merril Lynch, Wells Fargo and Frandsen Bank and Trust. On a day-to-day basis, Matt helps financial institutions gain and maintain their knowledge base to manage their IRA portfolio. He works at a fast pace and can win clients and prospects over by how he operates — focusing on the consequences of not moving from the status quo. Matt wants to create a lifelong relationship with his customers and welcomes all questions and inquiries throughout the program.

Who Should Attend

You should attend this seminar if you:

  • need to learn the basics of traditional and Roth IRAs
  • want an updated, general refresher on IRA rules 

Continuing Education

Information has been submitted to American Bankers Association for professional certifications.

For More Information

Contact the MBA Education Department at 573-636-8151 or email.

Dates and Locations

Cape Girardeau: April 15
Drury Suites Cape Girardeau
3303 Campster Drive
Cape Girardeau, MO 63701 | 573-339-9500

Springfield: April 16
Springhill Suites Springfield North
2025 E Kerr St.
Springfield, MO 65803 | 417-351-6981

Columbia: April 17
Courtyard Columbia
3301 Lemone Industrial Blvd.
Columbia, MO 65201| 573-443-8000

Three Ways to Register

register icon    Online
phone icon    Phone 573-636-8151 
mail icon    Mail check payable to Missouri Bankers Association and form to:
Missouri Bankers Association
P.O. Box 57
Jefferson City, MO 65102


8 a.m. Registration 
8:30 a.m.  Seminar Begins 
Noon  Lunch 
12:45 p.m.  Seminar Resumes 
3:30 p.m.  Adjournment 

Registration Fees

  • MBA Members - $295
  • Each Additional Member - $250
  • Nonmember Fee - $1,180
  • Each Additional Nonmember - $1,000

The cost of meals included in the registration fee for this meeting is $24. This information is provided for your bank’s tax records, in keeping with the IRS 50% deductible provisions under Section 274(n) of the Internal Revenue Code.


Full refunds will be granted for cancellations received by MBA at least 10 days before the seminar date. After that date, an administrative fee of $10 per canceled registration will be retained. Cancellations will not be accepted four days before the seminar. Substitutions are always permitted.

Disabilities/Dietary Restrictions

If you have any disabilities that require special assistance, contact Eric Lawson at MBA at 573-636-8151 and explain how we may best accommodate your needs.