2025 Agriculture Seminar

Tuesday, March 11 | Columbia

Program Brochure

Join MBA for a Target Banker Visit!

Ag Day at the Capitol - Wednesday, March 12

Thank You to Our Sponsors!


Farmer Mac          Federal Home Loan Bank of Des Moines          

Who Should Attend

This program is designed for the bank management team, ag lenders and their ag customers, and high school and college students interested in agriculture careers. 


Tuesday, March 11

7:30 a.m.        

Registration and Breakfast

8:15 a.m.       

Economic Mega Trends of Agriculture and Ag Lending

Dr. David Kohl, Professor Emeritus
Virginia Tech

All signs are pointed toward an agricultural economic cycle similar to the period between 2013 and 2020 before the pandemic. This time, however, commodity prices have declined as some costs remain elevated, combined with higher borrowing costs and a few other factors. Discussing economics from a 30,000-foot perspective, Dr. David Kohl will bring it down to explain what is in store for bank customers in the lending season ahead. What are the signposts — geopolitical aspects to the economy, inflation, interest rates and the staggering increase in government debt — that must be observed? Kohl will provide his view as an educator and business owner who has decades of experience in the agricultural industry.

10 a.m.       


10:15 a.m.       

Outlasting the Storm

Ben Brown, Senior Research Associate
University of Missouri Food and Agricultural Policy Research Institute

Ben Brown discusses the outlook for Missouri crop markets, policy and profitability in 2025. Some of the topics that will be covered include supply and demand for corn, soybeans and wheat; updates on the 2025 farm bill; and an overview of MU Extension crop enterprise budgets. 

11:15 a.m.       


11:30 a.m.       

Don’t Make that Mistake! Top Ag Lending Litigation Disputes From the Past Year

Michael Fielding, Partner
Husch Blackwell LLP

It’s good to learn from your mistakes. It’s even better to learn from the mistakes of others. Michael Fielding will cover the top ag lending disputes from the past year as he focuses on key, practical takeaways that bankers can apply with their ag loans.

12:30 p.m.      

Lunch - MBA Legislative Update

1:30 p.m.      

The Perfect Storm Farm Transition

Steve Bohr, Co-Owner
Farm Financial Strategies Inc.

There is an ongoing storm with farm transition. A vast majority of farmland in the Midwest is owned by the older generation, and there will be an unprecedented transfer in the next 10 years. The future of production agriculture will favor producers who have a plan and the ability to communicate that plan to the next generation of landowners. Steve Bohr will discuss the major factors involved with land transition and how bankers can help their current and future ag customers.
2:30 p.m.       


2:45 p.m.       

High Impact Meteorology in Production Agriculture: Spring and Summer Outlook

Eric R. Snodgrass, Principal Atmospheric Scientist

Successful production agriculture has many sources of risk, and changing weather conditions and forecasts drive much of our decision making. Eric Snodgrass will investigate large-scale weather processes that have influenced yields in the U.S. throughout the last 40 years. He will discuss how to observe and forecast high-impact weather patterns that cause yields to break away from trends (i.e., floods, drought, heat waves, cool summers, etc.).

4 p.m.       



Image Use Policy

Registration or participation by an individual in attending Missouri Bankers Association events and activities constitutes an agreement by the attendee to the MBA’s use and distribution, both current and future, of the attendee’s name, image or voice in print, media, social media, photographs, videotapes, electronic reproductions, and audiotapes of, or reporting, such events, and activities and promoting MBA activities, services and programs. Attendees waive any right to inspect or approve the finished materials and MBA communications and publications and agree that all such images, pictures, video or audio recordings, and any reproduction thereof, shall remain the property of the MBA to use at its discretion. Consent is binding, perpetual and may not be revoked.

Three Ways to Register

register icon    Online             
phone icon    Phone 573-636-8151 
mail icon    Mail check payable to Missouri Bankers Association and form to:
Missouri Bankers Association
P.O. Box 57
Jefferson City, MO 65102

Registration Fees

  • MBA Member Fees
    • Banker Fee (1-3 bankers) -- $300 per person
    • Banker Fee (group of 4 or more) -- $275 per person
    • Ag Guest Fee (customer of the bank/FFA or ag high school student)  -- $190 per person
  • Nonmember Fee
    • $1,200 per person

The cost of lunch included in this registration fee for this seminar is $40. This information is provided for your bank’s tax records, in keeping with the IRS 50% deductible provisions under Section 274(n) of the Internal Revenue Code.

Location & Hotel Reservations

The seminar will be held at the Courtyard by Marriott in Columbia. Overnight accommodation is available at the hotel. 

Courtyard by Marriott
3301 Lemone Industrial Blvd.
Columbia, MO
Hotel Group Rate of: $109 USD per night
Cutoff Date For Room Block: Friday, Feb. 14
Book Reservations Online

Be sure to state you are attending the Missouri Bankers Association’s ag seminar. After the cut-off dates listed above, availability is not guaranteed, and room rates may revert to the published rate. Early reservations are encouraged!


Full refunds will be granted for cancellations received by MBA at least 10 days before the seminar date. After that date, an administrative fee of $10 per canceled registration will be retained. Cancellations will not be accepted five days before the seminar. Substitutions are always permitted. 

Disabilities and Dietary Restrictions

If you have any disabilities that require special assistance, send a brief message to MBA explaining how we may best accommodate your needs or call 573-636-8151.

For More Information

Contact the MBA Education Department at 573-636-8151 or email.