Account Titling

2 opportunities to attend

Wednesday, April 30 | Columbia Courtyard by Marriott | Register

Wednesday, Sept. 24 | MBA Office, Jefferson City (limited to 28) | Register

Program Brochure



This program is designed to help bankers provide superior customer service to depositors while reducing risks to the bank. It will help bankers assist their customers in selecting the appropriate accounts to meet the needs of the customers. Specific topics include individual accounts, sole proprietorships, joint accounts, business accounts, trusts, transfers to minors, powers of attorney, estates and conservatorships. A common theme for each of these topics will be how to use various types of accounts to provide innovative methods of handling the customer’s funds. The program is designed for new and experienced account officers. 


Account Types and Ownership, Benefit and Control

  • Individual Accounts
    • Sole Proprietorships
    • Death or Incapacity of an Individual Owner
    • Titling
  • Joint Accounts
    • Tenancy in Common
    • With Right of Survivorship
    • By the Entirety
      • Same-Sex Couples
    • Titling
  • Pay on Death
    • Right of Setoff after Death
    • Titling
  • Trust Account
    • Trust Basics
    • Irrevocable Trusts
    • Trust Certifications
    • Successor Trustees
    • Titling
  • Estate Accounts
    • Estate Basics
    • Small Estate Affidavit vs. Letters Testamentary
    • Supervised vs. Independent Administration
    • Titling
  • Minor Accounts
    • Uniform Transfers to Minors
    • Joint Account with Parent
    • Foster Kid Accounts
    • Titling
    • Common Issues; Responsible Parties
  • Corporate, Partnership and LLC  Accounts
    • Due Diligence Review
    • Confirming Authorized Signers
    • Regulatory Requirements
    • Death or Incapacity of an Authorized Signer on an Account Owned by an Entity
    • Titling
  • Personal Custodians/Custodians for Adults
    • Titling
    • Conservatorship
  • Power of Attorney
    • Basics
    • Durable Powers of Attorney
    • Due Diligence
    • Common Issues/Red flags
    • Limitations and Restrictions
    • Representative Payee
    • Titling

Campaign, Candidate and Political Action Committee Accounts

Special Account Designations Associations/Informal Groups

Taxpayer ID Guidelines; Consequences of Using the Incorrect Number

  • ITINs

Adverse Claims to Accounts and Account Disputes
Adding and Removing Account Owners


About the Instructor

Mara J. Lahnar, Partner – Mickes O’Toole

Mara Lahnar is a corporate law attorney at Mickes O’Toole, and her focus is on banking and finance law. Lahnar works with banks and other financial institutions on general corporate matters, loan documentation, regulatory compliance, contract review, foreclosures and loan enforcement, litigation strategy and workouts.

Recently, Lahnar was instrumental in updating the MBA Titling Accounts Manual. Before joining Mickes O’Toole, she spent approximately nine years with a large law firm in St. Louis. During that time, Lahnar also gained some experience in estate planning, probate and trust administration.

Lahnar is licensed to practice law in Missouri and Illinois, including the eastern and western districts of Missouri and the southern district of Illinois. She is a member of the Missouri Bankers Association’s Bank Counsel Section.

Image Use Policy

Registration or participation by an individual in attending Missouri Bankers Association events and activities constitutes an agreement by the attendee to the MBA’s use and distribution, both current and future, of the attendee’s name, image or voice in print, media, social media, photographs, videotapes, electronic reproductions, and audiotapes of, or reporting, such events, and activities and promoting MBA activities, services and programs. Attendees waive any right to inspect or approve the finished materials and MBA communications and publications and agree that all such images, pictures, video or audio recordings, and any reproduction thereof, shall remain the property of the MBA to use at its discretion. Consent is binding, perpetual and may not be revoked.

Dates and Locations

April 30 | Columbia

Courtyard by Marriott
3301 Lemone Industrial Blvd.
Columbia, MO

Sept. 24 | Jefferson City

MBA Office
207 E. Capitol Ave.
Jefferson City, MO
(limited to 28)

Who Should Attend

This seminar is valuable to both a new account officer or customer service representative, as well as staff members who would like to improve their understanding of accounts.


8:30 a.m. Registration 
9 a.m.  Program Begins 
Noon  Lunch 
1 p.m.  Program Resumes 
3:30 p.m.  Adjournment 

Three Ways to Register

register icon   


phone icon    Phone 573-636-8151 
mail icon    Mail check payable to Missouri Bankers Association and form to:
Missouri Bankers Association
P.O. Box 57
Jefferson City, MO 65102

Registration Fees

  • MBA Member Fees
    • Banker Fee -- $295 per person
    • Each Additional Banker  -- $250 per person
  • Nonmember Fee
    • $1,180 per person

The cost of lunch included in this registration fee for this seminar is $22. This information is provided for your bank’s tax records, in keeping with the IRS 50% deductible provisions under Section 274(n) of the Internal Revenue Code.


Full refunds will be granted for cancellations received by MBA at least 10 days before the seminar date. After that date, an administrative fee of $10 per canceled registration will be retained. Cancellations will not be accepted four days before the seminar. Substitutions are always permitted. 

CPE Continuing Education

CPE will be granted to registered attendees upon request.
Specialized Knowledge – approximately 6 credits Instructional Delivery Method: Group Live
Prerequisites: Basic banking knowledge
Program Level: Basic
Advanced Preparation: None

ABA Professional Certifications

The program has been submitted to American Bankers Association (ABA) Professional Certifications for credits.


If you have any disabilities that require special assistance, contact MBA at 573-636-8151 and explain how we may best accommodate your needs.

For More Information

Contact the MBA Education Department at 573-636-8151 or email.