Banking on Women Conference


Register OnlinePrint Registration Form   

Member Fee

  • First Two Registrations: $375
  • Each Additional: $350 per person
  • Six or More Attendees: $320 per person

Nonmember Fee

  • $1,400 person  
Fees include all meals, receptions, refreshment breaks and conference materials. The cost of meals and refreshments in the registration fee for this meeting is $175. This information is provided for your bank’s tax records, in keeping with the IRS 50% deductible provisions under Section 274(n) of the Internal Revenue Code. 

Cancellation Policy

Full refunds will be granted for cancellations received at MBA’s office by Monday, July 29. After this date, an administrative fee of $30 per canceled registration will be retained. Cancellations will not be accepted after Tuesday, Aug. 6, and no refunds will be given. Substitutions are always permitted. Registrants are responsible for canceling their own hotel reservations.

Attendance Policy

To preserve the integrity of our registration process, no one will be admitted into the conference sessions or other events without a name badge. Your name badge will serve as your official ticket to all events.

Dress Attire

Business casual is recommended for all sessions. Jeans are acceptable for evening events. Layered clothing is recommended for your comfort.

Disabilities or Dietary Restrictions

If you have any dietary restrictions or disabilities and need assistance, please contact MBA.


If you have questions about this conference, please call the MBA Education Department at 573-636-8151.

Image Use Policy

Registration or participation by an individual in attending Missouri Bankers Association events and activities constitutes an agreement by the attendee to the MBA’s use and distribution, both current and future, of the attendee’s name, image or voice in print, media, social media, photographs, videotapes, electronic reproductions, and audiotapes of, or reporting, such events, and activities and promoting MBA activities, services and programs. Attendees waive any right to inspect or approve the finished materials and MBA communications and publications and agree that all such images, pictures, video or audio recordings, and any reproduction thereof, shall remain the property of the MBA to use at its discretion. Consent is binding, perpetual and may not be revoked.