I hate politics. Why should I be a part of it?

Love it or hate it, politics plays a role in your life. Legislation passed or defeated by lawmakers affects your business and your community. That's why it's important to talk with senators and representatives about banking issues. They need to hear from you, their hometown banker.

Does my legislator really want to hear from me?

Yes! Lawmakers vote on hundreds of pieces of legislation each year, covering nearly every topic you can imagine. No one is an expert on everything. They depend on communication from their constituents to help inform them on how bills will affect their communities. MBA's government relations team works to educate legislators on bills important to the industry, but that cannot replace relationships with bankers from their district.

Who runs for office?

Regular people like you. The state legislature is designed to be part-time work. The intent was for members to have plenty of time to spend at home, leading their lives and staying in touch with the needs of the communities they represent. Term limits ensure there is a steady turnover of legislators. Currently, Missourians can serve a total of 16 years in the General Assembly, eight years in the House and eight years in the Senate.

When does the Missouri General Assembly meet?

The legislature meets January through mid-May for regular session and briefly in September to consider overriding any vetoes by the governor. Throughout the rest of the year, they are living and working in their districts, meeting with constituents and preparing for the next session.

What does a regular day/week look like?

Legislators typically arrive in Jefferson City on Monday of each week during the session. Their days are spent in committee meetings hearing testimony on bills; meeting with constituents, lobbyists and stakeholders on legislation or issues affecting their districts; and in the House or Senate chambers debating and voting on bills. Late nights, early mornings and missed meals are standard. They travel home Thursday to resume their “normal” lives and attend meetings in their districts.  

What if I don’t know the legislation inside and out?

That’s okay! Leave the talking points with the legislator or their staff. If there is a question you can’t answer, be honest about it. Let us know, and MBA's government relations team will follow up with your legislator to supply the needed information. If you already know your legislator, spend your time catching up on what’s going on back home.